The plot to robot fighting ratio is just not right.

Look, don’t get me wrong, I love a plot.  But if your plot is pretty scatty to begin with, and you’re making a robot-fighting movie, then you’re better off focussing on what everyone has come to see.  And if everyone came to see robots fighting big gooey beasts, get that upfront quick smart.  

This started by looking like it would be kinda funny, but the jokes quickly disappeared as they tried to tell some kind of convoluted story… I don’t mean it was a particularly complex story, I just mean it took us on a long meandering journey before the inevitable robot vs beasties money-shots.  

There was this moment, where-in they took a long time to explain the title, and when it finally dropped I may have made some kind of wuzzzzah-ing sound that caused a riot of laughter during a period where everything had become so ridiculous that nothing was really making sense anymore.

For my big robot money with laughs, Transformers is still by far the better bet.

J* gives it 2 stars.

PS.  I consider the first Pacific Rim (2013) a dance movie…. And this one was very light on dancing.

<review written in 2018>