Big action so consummate words are not even needed.

If you’re going to see this do it on a big screen where the sound roars around you in all the dimensions.  It deserves that.  It’s not going to be the same at home; the cavernous world of the cinema is where it lives… a special padded box of excellent insanity.  

If you can’t deal with silly this film is not for you.  It throws all levels of realism to the wind in favour of fun times and excellently wild decisions.  I think my favourite example of this is when our main character, some kind of respected researcher on the Hollow Earth Kong Division is being pestered by everyone “can I come to Hollow Earth.”  And you might think being involved with a pseudo-military semi-secret operation would put a stop to this.  But she is literally “you get Hollow Earth, you get Hollow Earth, you get Hollow Earth!”  She says yes to her ex-lover from uni.  She says yes to the random conspiracy podcaster she might have met once in a previous film.  She says yes to her adopted daughter.  And that’s just the start of the whack things that are a “yes” for the sake of fun.

The tale is long, a lot happens in the two hours but none of it is dull.  It has raucous craziness punctuated with occasional explanatory breathers.  Full on beast wars punctuated with bits of human talking.  I love “action” both as a genre and as the concept of “non-dialogue.”  Film is a visual medium, and I look to see if a film can tell itself visually – if I watch it on mute could I follow the story.  And with this it is such a resounding yes… I feel more than half the film has no dialogue.  More than half the humans that ever appear on screen don’t “talk” and their thoughts aren’t subtitled.  It is carried through “actions” big and small.  From smackdowns to eyebrow raises.  From dramatic fist pumps to chin tickles.  Characters and stories are developed and told in wordless ways.

So if you want a bunch of talking, you won’t get it.

The story is too complicated to recap.  If I were to try, I might say “biggest baddest ape is coming, Godzilla and Kong have to team up.”  But I’m pretty sure that’s what the trailer says.  There is a lot of human stuff that is fully unnecessary.  Except perhaps for the magic yellow loader plane that can just replace Kong teeth and arms easy-peasy.  Again, don’t question.  You’re having too much fun in this pseudo-science fantasy to question anything.

This is big screen blockbuster action at its most visual.

J* gives it 4 stars.

PS. Godzilla and the Colosseum. If he fits he* sits.
*I’ve given up trying to understand if Godzilla is male or female.