his is quite Modern Family – a surprisingly smart and heartfelt exploration of teen-girls sexuality and parental friendship.

I was bracing for the straight up gross-out comedy the trailer is playing, and it definitely has  overplayed moments.  But by in large this is a much smarter film than I was giving it credit for – probably in the class of Modern Family.  

It has a lot of inclusivity set up, but it runs itself as a story using the humanist angles rather than the identity ones.  It is pretty funny, with a team of three parentals chasing their teen-girls all over prom night to try and stop them going through with #sexpact2018.  

But this makes a couple of strong points, firstly, that girls should be given equal licence to explore and mess up sexually as boys, and two, that parents need to learn to let go lest they look like idiots.  

In many ways there is a lot of cleverness here in exploring the whole idea of parental friendships and sexuality, and I was actually quite impressed at the way they took two Dads and a Mum through the story and let them out the other end still as mates, but mates with a new life experience.  I was also happy with the way the daughters were allowed totally off leash… those girls can handle themselves.

Not super amazing, but I don’t think I’ve seen a film that does such a good job of these topics?  Should be compulsory for all parents when their kids enter high school.

J* gives it 3 stars.

<review written in 2018>