You know how that time you watched Sharknado (2013) you were disappointed about how realistic the sharks were?  You know, like they generally seemed to obey the laws of physics and biology and the seas?  And you thought to yourself “seriously, how can sharks be scary when they can only ever appear in large water bodies?”  

Well this is the tragically-bad but excellently-good movie for you!  This is a bad-movie-lover recommendation only, this film is not for anyone who wants to see a decent movie.  

The shark gets ghostified through some ridiculous hokus-pokus and then it can just appear anywhere with a smidgen of water – anywhere!!!!  I don’t want to give you spoilers but there are some ridiculously hilariously inventive ghost-shark attack scenes in here.  Lots of fairly gruesome human bits left behind.  

The acting is hopelessly tragic, although to be fair, given this is a syfy sharkspoitation movie they were probably directed specifically to act like over the top idiots.  Highlights include the drunkard lighthouse keeper who’s always banging his fist on stuff and the in the know-it-all mayor who just wants to keep bad shark rumours at bay.  The CGI is so ghostly that it actually didn’t seem too bad for what it was.

J* gives it 1 star

BUT 4 stars as an entertaining bad movie!

PS.  My partner says that’s not true and that it is a worse bad movie than Rottweiler (2004)… I disagree with this greatly…. This has a fairly solid plot and nowhere near enough gratuitous nudity to be really, really bad.

<review written in 2018>