This is a really random kind of thing.  

It’s my Australia-mas duty to tell you that DRAZIC (Callan Mulvey) is in it, even though it can’t count as an Aussie film.  It’s very strange.  Kind of like if Cloverfield, District 9, Pacific Rim and War of the Worlds had a messed up film blend.  

There’s like these aliens, and they’re harvesting human brains.  The brains run these sort of organic alien droids and are on the alien’s side.  People are desperate to get away and live.  Aliens are hunting them all down.  

One guys kid gets sucked up, but luckily some of the human brain alien droids don’t take and they’re sort of still human, maybe, but without a human body?  Anyway, it’s all nicely colour coded with red vs blue and there is also this girl-baby who’s the special.  

I didn’t hate it.

J* gives it 3 stars.

<review written in 2018, and repost inspired by the much more comprehensive and entertaining review here: