The dedication to costuming and set is, as always, spectacular. 

The vehicular choreography stunning, the explosions impeccable, the cultural groupings and world-building wrought like a cast-iron, skull-shaped steering wheel. The characters are not that deep, but the ocker-shakespearian dialogue, is as always, dazzling, and if you’re not getting it, you’re a slanger. 

The soundtrack, whenever you’re reminded it’s provided by an on set Doof Warrior, becomes hilarious. This thing is like Cirque du Soleil with cars and a budget. Lots of cars, and a huge budget. And flamethrowers. And flame throwing guitars. It’s like the Cirque du Soleil of Cirque du Soleil’s dreams.

Don’t expect a complicated plot… this is an epic chase scene that wraps up with an epic chase scene in the other direction. Charlize’s character is deliciously Tank Girl, I was surprised by women’s liberation “plotline” and I thought Mad Max himself was a surprisingly small part…. 

Furiosa seemed a far more important character. If you’re still torn as to which car movie to see this year, I recommend this over Fast 7… too much character development in Fast.

J* gives it 5 stars as a visual spectacle extended chase scene.
<review written in 2015>