The 80s died 26 years ago, this is 2016, deal with it.

Ghostbusters (2016) is a hilarious, rollicking good time. Holtzmann is one of the most awesome characters I’ve seen since Tank Girl… seriously. I want to be her, I want to hang out with her… just everything.

The main four have awesome camaraderie and take their science/gadgets very seriously… ghost-shredders for the win. For those concerned about himbo exploitation, fear not, the Hemsworth, MikeHatt like, never does anything he’s told – he reminds me of Bubble in AbFab, but you know, looks more like a doctor and runs a great outro-dancefest.

Granted some of the more spectacle oriented scenes go on a bit, but they would probably look amazing in 3D. It’s very slick in terms of cinematography and feels more like an action movie played for comedy – some of Holtzmann’s slow-mo fight scenes left me desperate for a rewind-replay.

The bit starting at 1:50 has been giving me goosebumps since 2016 – “you’ve just been Holtzmanned baby!”

If, like me, you like to do a subtextual reading of a film, then this can be read quite easily as the story of the film’s own outrage – so meta. I can’t quite decide if this is an amazing feat, or if the whole thing was basically so predictable that it was easier to write the film about it than not. Rowan North is the ghostbusters-reboot male outrage embodied, and the ghostbusters are the film coming through regardless.

“Safety lights are for dudes.”

J* gives it 4 stars.

PS. All the living old-cast have cameos, except Rick Moranis, who basically said the 80s were over, deal with it. This has a great scene with parade balloons, but it’ll never live up to my childhood memory that is apparently entirely fictitious anyway. In many ways this is far more like the fun of the cartoon than the talkfest of the previous films. It think it’s important to note that this film has NEW CHARACTERS – they are not the old characters cast as women – which I thought was part of why people were upset….

PPS. As with the previous two, no penises were seen in this film.

<review written in 2016>