I found this one a lot more enjoyable than Ghostbusters (1984), better script, better visual storytelling and just a lot funnier. There are certain elements of it that have that sublime beyond-reality hilarity of Zoolander (2001). It also does that self-referential thing that I love in a movie.

It resolves one of my strongest childhood GB memories, which is that Rick Moranis is in fact a ghostbuster, and Slimer is just a friendly dude. While I thought I’d seen both GB1 & GB2 before, I only recognised bits of this from the very last part.

It still feels old, but nowhere near as dated as GB1 did, although having said that, holy token black guy – how can you have a main character who is so not actually a character? The old days were rubbish weren’t they?

J* gives it 3 stars.

PS. This leaves me with an awkward issue: one of my strongest childhood ghostbusters memories is a whole stack of parade balloons being possessed. I thought I remembered Stay Puft fighting them. I’ve found a similar story in *The Real Ghostbusters* cartoon, but it doesn’t look quite right… maybe my overactive childhood imagination has embellished it with details from other movies? Maybe this isn’t a memory, maybe it’s a dream….

PPS. No penises seen in GB2 either.
<Review written in 2016 when anti-Ghostbusters (2016) reboot hate was at epic levels>