It’s really old isn’t it? Without any strong childhood memories I went in to this with the view that this must be some absolutely spectacular piece of amazeballs – if this was a new release I’d be saying it doesn’t live up to the hype.

I found the script overly talky and it’s almost like it comes from a time before visual storytelling? (Which maybe it does?) I found the effects intriguing cause I kept having to test my pre-CGI knowledge.

My favourite bits were the marshmallow man (where they nailed visuals) and Rick Moranis – always excellent. I was surprised to find myself disliking Bill Murray’s character because usually I love him.

J* gives it 3 stars.

PS. After watching and discussing with my resident Ghostbusters fan, it became apparent that my fragmented childhood memories are actually a pastiche of GB1 & Ghostbusters 2 (1989) & *The Real Ghostbusters* cartoon all smooshed into the one thing. I was devastated that Slimer wasn’t their friend…. and nor did ghosts take over a whole stack of parade floats.

PPS. No penises were sighted in this movie.

<Review written in 2016 when anti-Ghostbusters (2016) reboot hate was at epic levels>