This is really full on, and an excellent addition to the pseudo-spy type genre.  The main guy, who has some very sculptured body hair and looks a lot like Taylor Kitsch is a rogue seeking his own vigilante vengeance for his fiancé’s terrorist death.  But then he gets pipped at the post by some special ops and drafted into their full on training.  The action is pretty gritty and very graphic… it’s a little John Wick meets Bond, perhaps.  The main guy is a lot like neo-keanu.

Anyway, it’s lucky I have a firm understanding of Taylor Kitsch, because even though he and the main guy look very similar, he’s also in this movie as the older, wiser more rogue-of-rogues.  Without wanting to give spoilers the climax is a thousand kinds of full on action all at once and I was pretty impressed.

J* gives it 4 stars.

PS.  I remember actively choosing to skip this at the cinema and I wish I hadn’t!  It’s far better than whatever we skipped it for.

<review written in 2018>