This was so much better than I thought!  I had a vague memory from being a small child, and trips spent in the wild west where I was always lectured that if I saw a pig I had to go up a tree, STAT.  But the pig eating the car with the girl in it is but a small part of this sordid tale.  It’s really gorgeous to watch, and pitches as a conflict of animal rights activists from America and outback Australian roo-shooting, pig-hunting types.  At it’s heart is a story of vengeance and possibly redemption as a grandfather seeks to hunt down the razorback that took his grandchild… yes really… “a dirty great pig took my baby!”

It has some delightful outback weirding, spectacularly lighting and composition, and a cast of rough as guts characters with guns, and some suped up reinforced cars with spotties.  It starts big, and travels hard.  Probably wins the prize for greatest amount of skulls and carcasses in any film of Australia-mas so far.

J* gives it 3.5 stars.

Australiana:  4 stars.

Even though the main-ish characters are American, there are stacks of great 80s outback characters with plenty of delectable 80s slang really overdone for the yanks benefit.

<Originally reviewed in 2017>