This is one of the more unnerving asylum centred psychological thrillers I’ve seen.

So this movie is perhaps making it’s biggest waves for being made by respectable director Steven Soderbergh (Oceans, Magic Mikes, Solaris), but shot near entirely on an iphone 7.  And when big-directors take that sort of risk, and stand by it, it’s a really interesting thing.  The footage does have that sort of intimacy you get from your phone, and it is kind of perfect for this sort of story.  Perhaps where it gets a bit grainy is in the dark and dingy settings of which there are plenty… but it’s not like Soderbergh couldn’t afford decent lighting, so that must have been a choice.  There is a lot of dim kind of gritty film here, the sorts of shadowy spaces where things loiter and linger and fester… which is to be fair, the heart of the film.

So if the changed aspect ratio doesn’t make you lose it, you’re in for a tense story about a chick who gets involuntarily committed to a psyche ward… and then maybe her stalker is actually working there.  What I really loved is the fact, that like the best psychological thrillers, you can’t be sure if she’s a reliable character or not… and I’m still on the fence about her sanity in the end… But I loved the grainy-real-life vibe of the film, and the way the tension really does escalate as the movie progresses.  Plus possibly the shortest credits of any film I’ve seen in the last two years – with bonus Matt Damon cameo.

J* gives it 4 stars.